Sadly, children are sexually exploited in Texas every day. They are forced to engage in sexual activity, often for the financial gain of their abuser.
The Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT) in the Office of the Governor is fighting to end this crime and to help its young victims.
Our mission is to build sustainable capacity, enhance expertise, promote policies, and create new and leverage existing collaborations to:
Protect children from sexual exploitation
Help the public recognize signs of sexual exploitation
Help victims recover
Bring justice to those who exploit children.
Human Trafficking Initiative
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. It is the exploitation of men, women, and children for forced labor or sex by a third-party for profit or gain.
Texas is on the forefront of combating this hideous crime. In 2016 — in one of his first major initiatives — Attorney General Paxton formed the Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organized Crime Section (HTTOC), tasked with combating human trafficking across our state.
What are the red flags of human trafficking?
Does human trafficking happen near me?
What is the Attorney General’s role in fighting human trafficking?
What should I do if I suspect human trafficking is taking place?
Texas is the first state in the country to make sex buying a felony
Over 30,000 people trained since 2016
Years in prison sentences for human traffickers since 2016
Report a Tip
1. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911.
2. To report the sexual exploitation of a child, call the toll-free National Human Trafficking Hotline at
1-888-373-7888. Available 24/7 and confidential
3. Text: 233733
4. Chat Online: Human Trafficking Hotline Web Chat